


Loretta M. Stiles Remembrance July 31, 2023

On this past July
My friend lost her sister
I wasn't there with thee
But the Lord sure visited.

Now Loretta is with Him
In paradise, my beautiful place
I see her praying with Him
For you, for me and them.

And all I can say is:
Hallelujah! Praise God!
Amen, Amen, Amen
I say it again this time
Amen, Amen and Amen.

I'd like to pay my respect to her family especially Rene Stiles for being there for me and helping me to understand and keep me free.

For those who wants to visit the funeral's website, please go to the link below. God bless you and protect you and make his face shine upon you and your family and friends. Blessings! :-D

David K. Snow Remembrance May 26, 2022

It seems like yesterday,
but the truth is that a year has passed;
and one day like today
Mr. Snow passed away.

I'd like to pay my respect to his family especially Mrs. Snow for sharing with me her feelings about Mr. Snow whom I'm forever in debt. The first time I met him was in my first time collecting signatures for the 2021 Primary Elections in Elyria, OH. We didn't speak much, but in that short period of time he taught me few things in politics. months passed, and it was time for yard signs. At this time we spent probably 15-20 minutes maybe more. And things he told me then, I experienced it 2 years later. He was awesome in his common sense with a very charismatic personality... like you can't get tired of listening.

Now, last January 17, 2023, I interviewed Mrs. Aimee Snow and she said: "David was extremely intelligent, soft talk, patriotic, opinionated, kind, genuine and loving. He believed in I help you, but you got to help yourself. He was a woodworker. He deserved to be recognized, and he was strict politic, Republican. He was knowledgeable. He believed in God and he was a veteran form the NAVY. He also worked at Sunoco and retired from it, had 4 grandchildren and was protective. We were married for 33 years and he loved his animals. He got cancer for the first time and had over 10 surgeries due to his medical conditions; but he was a fighter and a survivor. He work to the end for his family. He loved to travel, road trips and support the second amendment. After surviving Cancer the first time, it came back, and this time he died from colon cancer the same day he was to start chemotherapy. He was my friend."

So, please... allow me to ask you for a moment (1min. 2min. 3min.) let your heart decide the amount of silence, and while doing this to recognize Mr. David Snow, think about how precious was his life in relation with other people's life and how we can do the same in helping others; because at the end of the day what matters is the experience with nature, God and mankind, the closest image of God. Think about it... we love animals, but they don't have God's breath of Life, only mankind possess the Breath of Life of God. I thank you for taking the time in your Breath of Life in you. Let us all be kind and use it the best we can one another. Blessings! :-D

2023 Martin Luther King, Jr.

Elyria, OH MLK March:

Today, Mon. Jan. 16, 2023, Our communities in Elyria, OH, got together to march in Pro-Civil Rights especially in support for our Afro-American community. In my case, It was an exceptional experience since it's my first time doing this as a leader and my second as marching wise; since I don't like this kind of manifestation, talking about marching on the streets as a civilian, due to the fact that it opens a door for riots if we are not very careful. But, this is not about me, it's about WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America; and Elyria, OH, is a small part of it, but with a BIG and Great purpose for our Great State of OHIO. Praise God! I have learned a lot and I know that I'm just starting meaning that I have a lot to be learned going forward to the TOP. Please take the time to go through the pics below and you'll understand what I'm talking about. I pray that for next year and every year we all realize that Civil Rights is not about race/religion/politics/background, but WE THE PEOPLE there of. Thanks! God bless America and protect our troops wherever they are in Jesus name, Amen! Blessings! :-D

2022 Lorain County Fair

Getting better every time:

Today, Mon. Aug 29, 2022, communities around our county enjoyed very much the Fair, especially the kids in the family. It's nice to see all the families of our county gathering together as one and more even better to see some families of other counties taking the time to share with us, the Lorain County. We're a county as any other county of our Great State of Ohio, and one thing unique this year that our candidate in the Republican Party for Ward 6 City Council in Elyria, OH, experienced was the opportunity to volunteer this year for three days in contrast to last year that was only one day. This year, every day was amazing and unique; for instance, day one, he shared the taste of Cabbage & Noodles with sour cream sauce and Potatoes Pancakes with apple sauce, and he testify that it was the first time tasting something so rich. So, thanks to all vendors who participated in this year event and provided so good food. Day two, our candidate shared with Judge Bilancini and State Rep. Dick Stein and his wife: "Yes, it was nice to have the opportunity to share with our Leaders and learn from them directly". Marcio (Bunny) Tolentino said. Day three, we had the opportunity to meet our State Governor DeWine: "Yes, I shook his hand and thanked him and his team for answering my E-mail within a week few years ago. That means a lot! And, I told him: May God keep using you for the People, by the People and with the People as agreed". Our candidate said.

The most important thing of all this is really the experience we bring and the experience we take with us, people. there's nothing wrong with doing something for profit as it is done with purpose other than money, with compassion, love and joy. Let's be real... at the end of the day... our candidate, our judge, our state rep and our governor and all the people in the Lorain County Fair go home, the most sacred place on this planet, the Earth. May God bless us all in the name of Jesus, Amen! Blessings! :-)

Memorial Day 2022

Honoring our fallen soldiers:

Today, Mon. May 30, 2022, our Republican Precinct Committee Person for the 6th Ward City of Elyria, OH, participated in the Memorial Day Parade at Ely Square in downtown  Elyria. from where some of the bravest soldiers still living and some had died in action. We want to send our condolences to heir family members; but, also we would like to give our thanks to them for the privilege of giving us, and given to our nation, someone like them; and we just don't only want to give our condolences, but also to celebrate them... Yes, celebrate their courage, brave and love for our Great nation and its constitution, whom in time were part of WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America. We're pleased that this year 2022 were much bigger participation of our Elyrian residents making it a more joyful and beautiful day as the day was; Also, we would like to give thanks to Mayor Frank Whitfield, all Members of Elyria City Council and Staff and volunteers and specially the Police Officers for their excellent service on behalf of the Elyria Police Department for all of us, People of Elyria, OH.

Finally, let's us all say Yes! Let's raise our flag high in our hearts for their victory and sacrifice they all paid for our Independence and Freedom, where their death in victory and sacrifice is our Life in victory and sacrifice to keep their Freedom...our Freedom even to the end of times. May God bless America and protect our troops wherever they are in Jesus name, Amen! Blessings! :-)

General Election 2021 Nov. 2

November 5, 2021

Congratulations to all winners! Including the incumbent City Council Person for Ward 6 in the City of Elyria, Ohio.

Yes! I, Marcio Tolentino, just want to say that it was a very good experience, journey and learning process to understand more in depth my community, city and my 6th Ward in Elyria, OH. Also, I can say first hand that it was painful to my right leg although I was the one suffering it and/or feeling it; but, I feel like a winner because being unknown, new kid on the block, as people say, and doing it for the first time and have gotten 206 votes... I mean, that's a lot for me this time. So, I feel happy about the results. My competitor has over 12 yrs in office and got 317 votes... that's 111 votes difference. To me it's like God is telling me: "My friend... Just keep going... I'm with you." In fact, someone important said to me: "Marcio...Bunny... you are like the Energizer Bunny that keeps going and going and..." I replied: Yes, that's me! So, don't get surprised if in two years you see my name in the ballot as Marcio 'Bunny' Tolentino, if the Board of Elections accepts that.

Also, very important, I'd like to give thanks to all my supporters especially the 206 people that cast their votes in my favor... to you I give three thanks... Thank you, thank you, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart; and to those that didn't vote at all, I'll give one thank... Thank you. I take it all because when I get elected, if I get elected, I must serve to you all. I have learned so much that I'm happy for what my God, Jehovah God of Israel, has in store for me in 2023. I know that when we run for office, we run hoping to win; but, in my case, even though I did run hoping to win too, my main concern was first: Get my name out there, and I believe that I did it so good that I got an alias (Bunny), I like that! My first change I brough to the table for those who thought that I couldn't do the job because of my inexperience in office. Second: Demonstrate that as I do the Talk, I can do the Walk even with my right leg problem which was painful. I believe that I did it so good that even my competitor said to the Chronicle: "I'm glad it's over. This was a contentious elections." I mean... when I reflect on that... I say to myself: Marcio you didn't get elected for the office, but you mean business. And that's thanks to my God. And last but not the least: Gain the trust of the people, and I believe that I did it so good that the numbers... and numbers don't lie... says that I'm not a wannabe neither doing it for the money, but for God's calling, purpose and testimony of a promise and with this I must serve my country that took me as a tourist when I was just ten years old. All this I brought for those who said that my service is just a stint.

Well, my friends, I wish to leave you with this thought for you to reflect on it... and please... don't take it the wrong way. You know? Most people think that being a soldier is the ultimate patriotism when in reality there's not an ultimate patriotism and if there is... that would be the People that cast their votes at the Polls. According to our constitution: WE THE PEOPLE, the US Constitution which makes us all US Citizen requires from all its citizenships carrier by birth or naturalization to get out and vote and/or send it absentee. For me, born in Dominican Republic and naturalized in 1996 can say that this is the true, not the only, but the true patriotism. In 1989, I became a soldier in the Army Reserve and I wasn't a citizen; but, in 1996, I became a citizen (Patriot) affiliated with the Republican Party and I have been voting since then. Back in my country of birth, voting could mean the last day you see the light of the sun; but, here in my country of honor and freedom, the Great United States of America, is a pleasure to vote. Let us all keep it that way and promote a more perfect union, stablish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity to keep the Greatest Constitution of them all. This is the true Patriotism! Praise God! So, in 2023, vote for the love of your country; that is, for the love of your Ward, community, City, County, State and of course, the USA. God Bless you all and thank you for all your support and subscribing with us.


Marcio (Bunny) Tolentino

Steven J. Kniceley Remembrance Sep. 9, 2021

Yesterday, Oct. 16, 2021, our 6th Ward City Council Candidate after participating in a global march on behalf of A21, an organization fighting against human trafficking, went to continue his task of campaigning throughout his 6th Ward. The following was his experience:

Yes, my experience was kind of sweet and sour. Sweet because I was able to do the march and meet new friends and talk to one in particular at Seneca Ave and sour because when I went to post my yard sign throughout my Ward, it was shocking to me to find out suddenly the news of the passing of Mr. Steven J. Kniceley. All that came out of my mouth was: Oh my goodness! It is my way of expressing awe or suddenly events. I know there's nothing good in losing our loved ones except that we, the Christians, know where we're going to rest from our time in this Earth to be with our Lord; and I hope that my expression has not been taken differently from my intention. It is sad for us who stay back here without our loved ones and sometimes these feelings of sadness could be devastating. I cannot imaging the pain and suffering that, even today, the Kniceley's family still feeling hard in his absence; I know this because I feel it too. I met Mr. Kniceley when I was walking the 6th Ward collecting signatures for my petition to run for the 6th Ward City Council in Elyria, OH. When I approached him, he was taking some things out of his pick-up truck; and, when I introduced myself and stated my business, the reason why I was there, he was angry about what happen in the 2020 Presidential Election and thinking changing party. I'm saying angry, but could be disappointed or not happy with, or... I don't know maybe upset; so many words to express our feelings and ideas and English is my second language. The fact is, that he said he was changing his political party affiliation and that's when I told Mr. Kniceley my story and when I mention the word progressive, he stop me and said: "Eh! Wrong word! That's democrat and as republican you cannot say that word." He started to ask me questions which I answered them all and at the end he said: "You're OK, give me your paper." Now I'm writing about my experience with Mr. Kniceley and I'm crying how much more are his family crying. I pray God to support and comfort them in the Power of his Holy Spirit. I'm forever grateful for his teaching and signature and his family signature because thanks to them my petition was certified; and now, my name is in the ballot and it is... Amazing! And I know that his name is in the book of life and that is... Even more Amazing! Thank you Mr. Kniceley and to your family I pray: The LORD make his face shine upon you all, and be gracious unto you all, the LORD lift up his countenance upon you all, and give you all peace in the name of Jesus, His only begotten Son, Amen!

Well, there you have it. This is our candidate Marcio Tolentino. His English is not broken nor perfect, but he got a big heart for people. Let's us all remember our loving friend Steven and what he did to inspire each and every aspect of our life, whatever that might be: religion, politic, business, family, etc. Thank you Steven for all the blessings you shared with all of us.

9/11 Remembrance

This past 9/11/2021, we all remembered the lives of those who suffered the worse terrorist attack to our Nation, we all did; but they paid the ultimate price. People that started their day as usual without knowing how unusual it were to be, and we know how it was. Thanks to Mrs. Bobbie Sears and Heather Sorg for taking upon their shoulders the mission of remembrance our heroes of 9/11; this are those at the Twin Towers, Pentagon and The Ones who decided to sacrifice themselves in preventing the airplane to hit our capitol. All of them: Men, Women, Young, Adult and Elder, truly demonstrated what WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America are all about; and we all need to remember what we are: US Citizen, who we are: People of the United States with a Name, that in case is Marcio Tolentino, and where we are: We are in the Greatest Nation of them all and all because of our Constitution WE THE PEOPLE. Then again, thank you both and thank you to Mayor Whitfield and to all of you people of Elyria; he who sung "Here I am", you that remembered where were you at the time of the attack, all the volunteers for us to have this solemn ceremony in the 0/11 Remembrance. Thank you all. May God bless America and protect our troops wherever they are in Jesus name, Amen!

Cleveland Pops Orchestra
Conductor Carl Topilow

We'd like to give thanks to the City of Elyria and its sponsors for the magnificent evening presentation to our People of Elyria, OH, Saturday, Sep. 4, 2021. Present at the Event were our Mayor Frank Whitfield, Council Person Donna Mitchell among others, and we'd like to give thanks also to the Cleveland Pops Orchestra and its Conductor Carl Topilow for his excellent performance especially his guest vocal who is a Renowned Baritone and Elyria High School Graduate Mr. Lester Lynch.

We enjoyed this event as everyone that were present at the Ely Square in downtown Elyria, OH. Our candidate for the 6th Ward City Council in Elyria was there too, and he says the same thing and give thanks also to his God for such good time and the opportunity to talk to Joseph and share part of his testimony with him. He also says that Joseph is a very nice person to talk to because he is a good listener. Thanks Joseph for listening my story and may God bless you and shine his face upon you and keep you in all your plan for your future and for being with us since 2018. Don't give up and keep your faith; and thank you for wearing your mask. Blessings!

Invest Elyria
Board Member Tim Bryan

Presenting Farmers Market Saturday morning, Sep. 4th, 2021

As you know or not know, our Candidate for the 6th Ward City Council has taken very serious his involvement with the City of Elyria in the State of Ohio. And he says: "All I can say is that win or lose this coming General Elections 2021 to be held on Nov. 2, 2021, I plan to come back as a volunteer for this event, Farmers Market, that has been an A+ for our City of Elyria; this is my first time that I'm doing something like this; because in the past, I've been involved in the community as everyone else... home to work, work to home, and there's nothing wrong with that except that people, like me, are missing a lot of blessings; well, I know that now for myself. Also, is was not until I moved to Syracuse, NY, when I was appointed by the Lord to serve him at another level. He gave me our ministry: La Fe Que Vence Al Mundo (The Faith That Conquers The World); and before he gave it up to me, he asked me: "Do you want a Ministry? I said: Yes! Then, he told me: "Be silent for 24 hours." I said: Ok. And there I was, mute for 24 hours. Believe me, it wasn't easy, but those who were with me at home know, without any doubt, that I was mute for the whole 24 hours; and that's how I was appointed. Everybody is different and the experiences are too; but, at the same time, there's nothing new under the Sun according to the Bible. He also gave me our Logo for the ministry. So, there I was, working at the Syracuse City School District, ministering the People of Syracuse, NY, and volunteering for the Red Cross of the Onondaga Chapter in Syracuse, NY, as First Aide and CPR Instructor. Well, to make it short, it is now that I feel complete... retired, ministering the People every where and volunteering for the Lorain County Board of Elections and volunteering for Invest Elyria in the Farmers Market and I want to get involved in the recycling issue because I believe that WE THE PEOPLE are responsible for this planet Earth. We need to take good care of it for one reason and one reason only: Is the only planet given by our God where you and I can dwell. You might ask: What about the New World with new heaven and new earth? I would say: What about it? Because, in the New World with new heaven and new earth, Not everyone will dwell there according to Bible. So, this is it! Planet Earth. Would you help me to take good care of it? We need to do something about it; and one simple thing we can do is precisely "Recycling". I'm opened to discussions and together find the solution and make it legal. What do you think?"

Our candidate is very passionate in whatever he does. Well, good luck in this race ahead! And to all of you, we encourage everyone to go to the polls and cast your vote and remember our candidate's name: Marcio Tolentino. Blessings!

Honoring Our Fallen Soldiers

Today, Sun. Aug. 29, 2021, our candidate for the 6th Ward City Council, Elyria, OH, participated in the Honoring of HM Maxton William Soviak who died as one of the bravest soldier Berlin Heights got. We send our condolences to his family; but, also we would like to give our thanks to them for the privilege of giving us, and to our nation, someone like HM Maxton William Soviak. Rest assure that now he is in paradise with our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. Thank you Max for all you did and leaving us with such great privilege of serving and die for all your friends, WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America.

Christians soldiers are not terrorists; therefore, they go to heaven.

Non-Christians soldiers such as terrorists don't go to heaven.

Just think about it... Jesus, the true Messiah, conquered the World and was crucified; and then, he went to Heaven. He was not a terrorist. When he comes back, he will come back as King to war the World that he already conquered... Revelation 19:11-19

Memorial Parade And Ely Square Water Fountain Opening

A great day all around we had. We celebrated the opening of the Water Fountain of Ely Square where we all had the opportunity to learn its history lived by our past Elyrian citizen and now us; so, one star to all the personnel of the City of Elyria including all citizen that contributed for this to be fulfill. Down bellow we can see our candidate participating in this celebration and in the Memorial Parade along side with other republican members and candidates. Hallelujah!

We had fun for sure!

Thanks everyone!

Our candidate sworn in ceremony


Please send your best wishes to our candidate by visiting our contact us page and don't forget to share our website with friends and families. Thanks!